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Insurance Shoppers: Save Money on your current Insurance

Surveys have shown that 96% of Key Verticals’s customers would re-use its platform for insurance buys after saving an average of 19% on their insurance costs. Get a FREE Quote today!

Underwriters: Paying customers
at your doorstep

As an advertiser with Key Verticals, you pay only for leads or sales. Quickly boost overall revenue as you easily convert highly targeted leads into paying customers on an ongoing basis.

Affiliates: Centralized Reporting
& pay-outs

Offering practical and invaluable insight on what your site visitors click on and what they do online. View your visitor activity, clicks, filled forms, leads and earnings all in one page.

Unobtrusive & community friendly technology

Choose how Key Verticals platform should work for you, your site or your company. Our technology and solution delivers the much needed value to you the right way without the usual efforts involved.

Our accolades

Choose how you want Key Verticals to work for you. Our esteemed Customers enjoy very specialized discounts; Advertisers constantly increase conversions and revenue; Our Affiliates earn top commission rates!

What our customers say

"Before KeyVerticals, there was no way for us to monetise all this user-generated content, but now, it just happens automatically. We receive a new revenue stream to help us continue running the site, without any extra effort or intrusion to our users' experience."
Jide Jackson, Head of Sales, AffiliatesAce
"KeyVerticals has been one of the most exciting players in affiliate marketing over the past couple of years, and they've really proven their value to us with the quality of publishers they offer our network. They've got some great technology, with a great team behind it."
Azed Francis, Head of Account Management, PeerZux.com
"We can't say enough good things about the KeyVerticals team: they are great people, forward thinkers in the industry, and always willing to collaborate in order to build a better partnership. They're an absolute pleasure to work with."
Kola Bisiriyu, Founder and president, Fertility Solutions

Our scale

Accountable to and driven by client ROI, Key Verticals focuses on quality online media to find customers where and when they are buying. We constantly deliver qualified customers to moving insurance verticals.